HomeFind a Jikiden Reiki TeacherUSA>Jikiden Reiki with Eri Oregon  
Jikiden Reiki with Eri Oregon  
Eri Fukase Luman
Go To The Zone Wellness: 18676 SW Boones Ferry Road Tualatin, Oregon 97062

日本語 English
Eri was born and raised in Kagoshima, Japan. She came to the USA as a college student and lived in Kansas, Illinois, and Colorado. She has been living in Oregon since 2007.
After Eri learned Usui Reiki I and II in 2013, she learned Jikiden Reiki shoden and okuden (Levels 1 and 2) from Mr. Tadao Yamaguchi in 2014. In Vancouver Canada, she received the shihan kaku (assistant teacher) designation in 2015, Shihan (Teacer) in Kyoto, 2022.
Currently, Eri offers sessions and seminars in the Portland area. She also visits clients who have difficulty traveling. In 2014, she volunteered to administer Reiki to a cancer survivors support group.

2013年臼井式レイキ レベル1&2を学んだ後、2014年カナダのバンクーバーにて山口忠夫先生に初傳・奥傳を学び、2015年師範格, 2022年に師範を取得。現在、ポートランド郊外にて霊気施術とセミナーを随時開催。身体的に移動が不可能なクライエントの方には、訪問霊気をさせていただいています。2014年、ガン克服患者サポートの会が閉じるまでイベントでボランティア参加。同年からCOVID-19以前まで、毎年ポートランドのMAC(Multnomah Athletic Center)で行われる器械体操競技会の審査員・コーチのための靈氣ボランティア活動。
Etcetera —その他の仕事

At ’Go To The Zone Wellness’:

Reiki and Kansoku-hou (Foot reflex self care)
Yoga class
Meditation calligraphy workshop.

-- Japanese Calligraphy Artist and Teacher --

Eri has been creating Japanese calligraphy art since 1992. She has been teaching since 2008. Occasionally, she holds art shows and workshops, and joins local events and serves as a volunteer. She also held New year’s resolution events every year for 9 years before COVID.
In 2007, Eri received an inspiration that Japanese calligraphy is a form of meditation. Since that time, she has focused on the meditative aspect of calligraphy. Currently, she offers Meditation Calligraphy and traditional Japanese calligraphy classes on Zoom and in person.


The purpose of Meditation Calligraphy is to create the time and space to focus on our inner selves without the struggle of being still—unlike traditional seated meditation. It helps you to relax and open your creativity. Oneness with your brush creates an outpouring of energy and helps locate your true voice. It will also lead you to awareness of the power and energy of handwriting.

Online lesson : Every Monday 7〜8pm (Pacific time)

*RTalk interview Link 2021. Youtube Rtalkにてインタビュ-録画:
(Interview on ’Passion’)
https://reiki-conciliation.org/rtalks/eri-fukase-luman-and-fokke-brink !

*Interviewed by Amanda Jayne アマンダ・ジェーンによるインタビュー記事


*Clothing and Accessory Designer 
-Eri’s original design art clothing and accessories are available. Please contact with Eri.

Interview article and some photo’s.


-- Yoga instructor RYT 200 --

Obtained license in 2023. In August, started a class in the local area. Eri is offering a bilingual class both English and Japanese. It will be a fun way to learn Japanese language!


--Writer ライター --

Eri was a reporter and writer for the Portland local Japanese newspaper for 14 years. She interviewed mainly Japanese people living in Oregon and shared their life stories.
Now, she offers self writing therapy sessions on line and in person.

Published in 2017 in Japan by Meisou Publisher,

Cover Calligraphy art also calligraphy through out the book :
‘ Women in Reiki ‘ by Silke Kleemann and Amanda Jayne



Amazon link アマゾンリンク: http://amzn.to/2l5ieCM

Book "Women in Reiki" : designed with calligraphy art (Book cover and content)
書籍 Women in Reiki のカバーと書籍内の書道をデザイン

Offering self writing therapy.